Friday, October 28, 2005

Only 9.99


Mae's album, The Everglow, will be on sale for 9.99 from now (well, actually like 7 days ago), until November 12, at Best Buy. But, there are quite a few steps in obtaining this album, because Best Buy sucks and will surely not have it out on shelves.

Steps To Buying An Album From Best Buy:

1) Look around the cd aisles as if you are lost.
2) Stare at the Best Buy employees who will wander around aimlessly but never approach you directly, but don't ask for help quite yet.
3) Eventually, start scratching your head and mumbling.
4) Now, ask the Best Buy employee to check in the very back of the store for the CD.
5) First, they will type the album name into the computer, and then they shall act surprised when it says, "250 active," or whatever.
6) The employee will go in the back and come out with a copy of The Everglow by Mae. Purchase it, and enjoy.


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